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Stroke treat package (1 month)
Stroke is treated by brain care package.
A stroke is a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain in cell death.
There are two main types of stroke:
Ischemic: due to lack of blood flow and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding. Both result in parts of the brain not function properly.
SIGNS and SYMPTOMS of the stroke may include an inability to move or feel on one side of the body, problems understanding or speaking dizziness, or loss of vision to one side.
SIGNS and SYMPTOMS often appear soon after the stroke has occurred. If symptoms last less than one or two hours it is known as a transient ischemic attack(TIA) or mini-stroke. A hemorrhagic stroke may also be associated with a severe headache. The symptoms of a stroke can be permanent. Long-term complications may include pneumonia or loss of bladder control.
However,to all these risk factors stated above GREEN WORLD has the answers through our natural organic medicinal products (1)CARDIO POWER CAPSULE--Repairs the heart by dilating arteries which supply blood to the brain and heart ,regulating blood viscosity,increases coronary blood flow, improving blood supply to brain and heart ,alleviatin angina.(2)GARLIC OIL--kills pathogens in the blood,protects cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, lowers blood cholesterol level. (3)DEEP SEA FISH OIL--removes blood clots ,repairs the arteries by relaxing and regulating artery elasticity.makes blood vessels opens and close propotionally.(4)GINKGO BILOBA--increases oxygen supply to the brain,scavenges free radicals in the blood stream ,enhances memory (5)SUPER CO- Q 10 CAPSULE--Repairs and restores myocardial cells and nerve. Cells, it is an antioxdant which alleviate degenerative cardiovascular and. Cerebrovascular diseases ie heart and brain.(6) VITAMIN C TABLET and E --Protects the heart system against attacks by free radicals.(7)LIPID CARE TEA--Regulates blood fats by converting fats into energy rapidly.
8) For nutrional support..
Super Nutrition
& Compound marrow powder
Green world brain care package;
✍️Deep sea fish oil
✍️Lecithin caps
✍️Compound marrow powder
✍️Cardio power
✍️lipid care tea
✍️Deep sea caps
✍️Super Q 10 Caps
✍️ Ginko biloba capsules
U can prevent or recover from Stroke by taking our products and eat healthy
Stroke – a disease occurs when the blood supply to our brain is suddenly cut;
Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease – when our brain itself doesn’t work properly
Insomnia – when it happens, our brain cannot work properly
When anyone of us come across such a circumstance where a person suddenly has a drooped face, or cannot move one of his/her limbs, has a slurred speech, or all of a sudden doesn’t recognize one of the very familiar kith and kin, the first reaction we should have is this person is having a stroke and we should seek immediate medication. No time can be wasted and don’t try to give the patient any product. Why? I will tell you right now because you are unable to distinguish whether the stroke is caused by a blocked or a burst blood vessel.
A stroke caused by a blocked blood vessel (most of time artery) may result in the area of the brain that is supplied by the given artery deprived of blood, this condition is called ischemic stroke. On the contrary, a stroke caused by a burst blood vessel may result in blood accumulating in the tissue around the rupture. This puts pressure on the brain and causes a loss of blood to the surrounding areas.(hemorrhagic stroke) As a Green World distributor what we can do for such a patient is to give him/her nutritional support during the rehab to prevent the re-occurrence of stroke or heart attack in the future and try to accelerate the rehab process.
Stroke perhaps is the most devastating disease for a common family because the patient not only turns from a bread earner to a bed ridder, from a provider to a care receiver, but brings the family an endless financial burden because the caregiving can span decades.