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*What is Stroke?*
Stroke is a leading cause of adult impairment, with 20% of its survivors requiring institutionalized care and up to 30% of them being severely and permanently disabled.
Strokes are classified into two major categories: *Ischemic and Hemorrhagic.*
*Ischemic* strokes are those that are caused by interruption of blood supply, while hemorrhagic strokes are the ones which result from rupture of a blood vessel or an abnormal vascular structure. About 87% of strokes are caused by ischemic and the rest are caused by hemorrhage.
*Hemorrhagic* stroke accounts for around 13 percent of all strokes, arising from leaking or ruptured blood vessels in the brain.
*Signs and symptoms*
Stroke symptoms depend on the area of brain that is affected. The more extensive the affected area is, the more functions are likely to be lost.
*1. Face Dropping*
*2. Slurred Speech*
*3. Loss of Arm Movement*
*4. Blurred Vision*
*5. Sudden Severe Headache*
*6. Dizziness*
*7. Balance and Coordination Problems*
*8. Paralysis of One Side of Body*
*9. Hard to Swallow*
*10. Loss of Consciousness*
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These will boost, reactivate or regenerate nerve tissues around the affected areas in the brain. And will immediately improve motor function, leading to total recovery