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Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Women)
Green world kidney tonifying for women is a great way to keep your kidneys healthy and clean. They are made of natural ingredients and contain important nutrients that will keep the kidneys healthy and remove toxins as well as chemicals.
Green world kidney tonifying capsule naturally helps improve the function of the kidneys in the body. This product can also help alleviate pains and improve health quality. It helps remove the toxins accumulated in the kidneys and revitalize them.
Green world Kidney Tonifying Capsule (Women) is a great way to keep your kidneys healthy and clean. Additionally, they are made of natural ingredients and contain important nutrients that will keep the kidneys healthy and remove toxins as well as chemicals.
Green world kidney Tonifying capsule naturally helps improve the function of the kidneys inside the body. As a matter of fact, this product can help alleviate pain and improve health quality. Undoubtedly, it helps remove toxins from the kidneys and revitalize them.
This natural, nutritious capsule is a 100% natural and organic herbal supplement. It has been proven to efficiently wash and cleanse the kidneys of toxins and harmful chemicals.
Additionally, this supplement is a perfect solution for all kidney problems. It eases pressure on the kidneys and helps in maintaining their function. This herbal supplement also helps in reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling.
This natural herbal remedy is recommendable for those with kidney issues, such as sluggish or painful bladder, and general fatigue. It has many potential benefits and is said to help with many ailments including hypertension.
Ingredients: Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Fructus Lycii, Radix Ginseng, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, cortex Cinnamomi, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Longan Pulp, Concha Ostrear, Flos Chrysanthemi
Kidney meridian at the viewpoint of TCM
In the Chinese view, the kidney meridian also includes the adrenal glands that secret a wide range of essential hormones regulating metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency, and fertility. The kidney meridian is extended to what the Chinese call the “external kidney”: the testicles in men and the ovaries in women. Thus the kidney controls sexual and reproductive functions and provides the body’s prime source of sexual vitality, which the Chinese regard as a major indicator of health and immunity
Cornu Cervi pantotrichum can improve the body’s cellular and humoral immune function, and promote the transformation of lymphocytes, and the role of immune enhancers. It increases the body’s defenses against harmful micro-organisms and regulates immunity to prevent diseases and promote wound healing.
Radix Angelicae Sinensis earned a reputation as the ultimate herb” for women.
Longan Pulp is specifically rich in iron and vitamin B2, which are essential nutrients for synthesizing hemoglobin. Together with other ingredients, Kidney Tonifying Capsules (Women) is an ideal herbal remedy for anemia, a common disorder in women caused by insufficient intake of nutrients, excessive menstrual bleeding, and postpartum anemia. It alleviates dizziness, headache, lack of concentration, and memory loss which are common among women.
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