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Green World Soy Power capsules help to protect the health of women by preventing ovarian dysfunction, osteoporosis and breast hyperplasia. They also delay aging which is a huge relief for everyone.
Green World Soy Power Capsule is a soybean extract that naturally regulates estrogen levels in two ways. When ovarian dysfunction occurs, it works as an estrogenic promoter and when high levels of estrogens are caused by hormonal imbalance.
Green World Soy Power Capsule binds to the hormone receptors while simulating effects like those of hormones on some tissues such as breast hyperplasia or fibroid. This product can reduce your risk for hormone-associated disorders with just one capsule per day!
This is a great way to help you stay energized and boost memory retention!
Suitable for:
Ingredients: Semem Glycine, Radix Paeoniae Alba Extractum, Ganoderma, Soy Isoflavones
Soy isoflavones are known to have weak estrogenic or hormone-like activity. Estrogens are signaling molecules that exert their effects by binding to estrogen receptors within cells (chemical structures of endogenous estrogens).
It help reduce the risk of hormone-associated cancers (breast, uterine, and prostate), while estrogenic effects in other tissues could help maintain bone density and improve blood lipid profiles (cholesterol levels).
Soy Power Capsule inhibits the growth of cells that form this artery clogging plaque. Arteries damaged by atherosclerosis usually form blood clots. This can lead to a heart attack if the clot goes to the heart, or a stroke if it goes to the brain.
Being a weak form of estrogen, isoflavones can compete at estrogen receptor sites, blocking the stronger version naturally produced by the body from exerting its full effect. In combination with Ganoderma and other herbs it can prevent estrogen sensitive cancer such as breast cancer.
Soy Power capsule also plays an important role in protecting and maintaining strong and healthy bones. It can increase bone mineral content and bone density, as well as stimulate bone formation. Thus it helps prevent and improve osteoporosis.
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