Welcome to Our Green World supplements online store
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Best natural products for joint and bone disorders
GREEN WORLD herbal medicinal supplements repairs the bones and their particular. diseases:
(1)JOINT HEALTH CAPSULE/ARTHRO POWER: It alleviates pain and swell of joints caused by arthritis, prevents degenerative joint diseases among middle aged and elderly ,suitable for people with rheumatoid. Arthritis and osteoarthritis as well as gout.
(2)COMPOUND MARROW POWDER--Supplements calcium and. Magnesium to relieve osteoporosis symptoms eg joint pain and lumbago, suitable. For people with calcium. Deficiency or osteoporosis
(3)CALCIUM & (4)KIDNEY TONYFYING CAPSULES: Repairs the kidneys so that they will be able to manage expelling uric acid crystals that causes gout, it is the main product for people who has gout.
(5)CORDYCEPS: It enhances the functions of the kidneys so as to fight against gout.
(6) MULTIVITAMINS: They are involved in the formation of bones together with proteins and minerals ,lack of vitamins means weak bones and weak bones leads to osteoporosis.
Welcome to Our Green World supplements online store
Free shipping for all orders within Kenya that are ksh 10,000 and above Use this coupon FREESHIPPING-MAR25